Well, it's that time again. I'm packing for college. Okay, let me start out by saying that I hate packing. I hate the planning involved. I hate the horrendous mess I make while trying to get everything together. I especially hate shoving my possessions into a box that is sealed away until move-in day. I mean, what if I need something and remember that it's shoved in the bottom of a box. Not only will I not have the desire to dig said item out of the box, but I will grow hate packing even more. Sometimes, I wish I could just throw everything into boxes on move-in day and make do with anything I happen to forget. Unfortunately, waiting until the last minute is neither responsible nor practical.
My main issue with packing my stuff away a week in advance (move-in day is August 26th) is that I fear I might need something between the day I pack it and the day I get to unpack it. I'm not sure why this is my main concern. Perhaps its because I am hopelessly attached to my toys (haha).
In a way, this post is my ultimate form of procrastination. I have literally exhausted all other forms of creative stimulation (which are my normal methods of procrastination). As soon as I finish this post, I will be emptying boxes, throwing useless junk away, and packing the majority of my possessions into boxes. No joke, this endeavor will probably take three days because of my lack of motivation.
Well, I had better get started. Getting stuck in a procrastination loop results in a major imaginative drought, and I cannot have that happening. Well, thanks for reading.
You definately get your love of packing from me! Ha! I detest packing too. Don't worry, we'll get it done and if you forget something, I'll send it to you. Gonna miss u when u are gone, but I am comforted knowing that you are having the time of your life!